Release Update: June 25, 2020

The latest release of Pivvot is available. Please don't hesitate to reach out to request training, make enhancement requests, or to better understand our platform. You can always reach us at


Software Enhancements

Have you ever thought, "Holy Moly that's a lot of data!"

Aware Update: Clicking on the new Settings icon, you can define exactly which Pivvot data will be included in a project. The data selected will be displayed on the map layers, and available for reporting and data export.

Ever find yourself saying, "Why did the route zig and not zag?"

Route Update: A Suitability layer is now included in a Route published Site View for each system generated route. This layer graphically illustrates favorable and unfavorable areas in an Area of Interest based on the associated PLAE. Combining this with turning on the Pivvot layers in a Site View will greatly improve your ability to review and understand the “why” behind a route.



Data Additions & Updates

Data Catalogue Available!

Pivvot has published a data catalogue as quick reference for definitions or find out if a data layer is currently available in the Platform. Download the current catalogue today.

For more detailed definitions or a searchable index of Pivvot data, visit the Pivvot Data Dictionary.